06 October 2012

Prometheus. The big question, answered.

After watching Prometheus I was left feeling confused and dissapointed. So I ventured online in search of answers and a bit of group therapy. Happily, I found some like minded sci-fi aficionados like Comic Book Girl and Red Letter Media who provided their own way of dealing with the film. However, there is one question I have not heard anyone ask.


Why does the engineer that is woken up from hibernation have 'alien'-type ribbing on the skin around his neck and wrists whereas the engineer that disintegrates at the beginning of the film does not?

One reason could be that a long time has passed between the two events and ribbed-engineer has naturally evolved from smooth-engineer. I prefer that the engineers have 'done a Klingon' and messed about with their own DNA to enhance themselves. If LV-223 is a military installation then maybe the ribs are a genetic upgrade for military personnel and smooth-engineer is from a different group (aluded to as gardeners by Ridley). But have a think about the timescale. Life started on Earth over 3.5 billion years ago, some scientists believe it to be as much as 3.8 billion years ago. If smooth-engineer kick started life on Earth then how come the engineers remained pretty similar after all that time? Oh Bosons! I am ending up asking more questions than I am answering. Damn you Ridley!

1 comment:

  1. According to Summerian tablets, that happened a few hundred thousend year ago. Not millions...
