06 October 2012

Prometheus. The big question, answered.

After watching Prometheus I was left feeling confused and dissapointed. So I ventured online in search of answers and a bit of group therapy. Happily, I found some like minded sci-fi aficionados like Comic Book Girl and Red Letter Media who provided their own way of dealing with the film. However, there is one question I have not heard anyone ask.


Why does the engineer that is woken up from hibernation have 'alien'-type ribbing on the skin around his neck and wrists whereas the engineer that disintegrates at the beginning of the film does not?

One reason could be that a long time has passed between the two events and ribbed-engineer has naturally evolved from smooth-engineer. I prefer that the engineers have 'done a Klingon' and messed about with their own DNA to enhance themselves. If LV-223 is a military installation then maybe the ribs are a genetic upgrade for military personnel and smooth-engineer is from a different group (aluded to as gardeners by Ridley). But have a think about the timescale. Life started on Earth over 3.5 billion years ago, some scientists believe it to be as much as 3.8 billion years ago. If smooth-engineer kick started life on Earth then how come the engineers remained pretty similar after all that time? Oh Bosons! I am ending up asking more questions than I am answering. Damn you Ridley!

31 August 2012

Star Wars Detours

Apart from Robot Chicken I'm pretty much done with Star Wars, over saturated I guess. Then I saw this trailer.

30 August 2012


Wow. No wonder facebook is floundering. Out of over 400 fans [over at facebook.com/krazybov] only 40 saw a post about placing an ad in the comic FOR FREE. Of those 40, none were interested in placing a FREE ad! Hard to fathom. I've been doing this for a while and I've had very poor results from using facebook. If I had shares I'd be dumping them too. So to anybody out there that is still reading this, you'll now have to pay for an ad; £100 colour, £50 black and white. Shame.

WPP results

WPP-London the world's biggest advertising company today announced its annual like-for-like revenue will grow by "close to 3.5%". The UK being one of the key countries responsible for this growth.

That's very nice but it doesn't help me. I am continually finding it almost impossible to attract advertisers to my magazine. I have tried everything. Media buyers ignore me while dedicated websites bring zero follow through. I picked up a 36 page comic recently (including covers) of which 13 pages were ads, so advertisers are out there somewhere.

What else can I do? If you have a solution I would love to hear it. Krazybov is on the brink if we cannot find advertisers.

31 August 2011

Hire me

Here's a great little trick for any of you aspiring creators out there that want to get noticed. Everybody's on twitter, even the important people doing the hiring at comic companies. Watch the video to find out an original way of getting them to give you a call.

30 August 2011

Castle graffiti

Only now found out about the Brazilian graffiti on Kelburn castle in Scotland. Completed in 2007 and scheduled for removal in 2010 but it is still there. Fantastico!

Unsurprisingly it has drawn a fair bit of criticism. You can read an old article about it in the Scotsman. I applaud the vision of the owners and hope that it stays up for as long as possible.

02 June 2011

plus one!

Google's +1 button is now exclusively available across the entire krazybov website.
See it at the bottom of every page next to our facebook, twitter and sharethis buttons.
Go give it a whirl!

31 May 2011

krazybov #4 syndicated

The only syndicate worth being involved with is situated within the borders of Canada Land! Go subscribe.